Five Ways to Improve Omni-channel Customer Experience

Omnichannel customer experience, an Introduction:

In a rapidly transforming net-centric world of today, most of the prospective clients for any business happen to be ultra tech-savvy netizens. And these information-rich and information-hungry techno-beasts have at their disposal, smart, world-shrinking devices that are capable of snaring a world-wide-web of vast streams of information and encapsulating them to the tip of their palms. Thus it would indeed be a serious and grave mistake if any budding business tends to overlook the primacy of internet when it comes to promoting their brand and increasing their customer base. In today’s ultra-competitive business environments, online (internet-based) marketing is done through multiple channels like Web portals, Apps, Social media, Email, and even SMS. Thus has dawned the new age of ‘Omnichannel’ marketing wherein businesses propagate brand awareness through multiple online channels. This article aims to enlighten the reader on some of the indispensable factors that are requisite to improve the overall Omnichannel customer experience of his or her marketing strategies.

Recently, a study was conducted by ‘Harvard Business Review’ among a pool of 46,000 shoppers. It has been revealed that while 7% of the shoppers were habitual towards online-shopping alone, and 20% of them were accustomed only to direct, store purchases, an incredible 73% used multiple channels to meet their shopping needs. Thus, promoting across multiple channels enhances the Omnichannel customer experience for most customers.    

1) Customer-centric approach:

For any successful business campaign, a deep understanding of the prospective customers’ preferred online platforms, whether it be an app or a social media platform, is crucial. Some customers prefer Email based follow-ups or even promotions, while still some prefer Live-chat functionalities to clear their doubts and make up their minds. Thus a smart strategy would encompass adequate presence across all the preferred platforms.

2) Reduce turn-around time for customers’ queries:

When a customer posts a purchase related enquiry through any of the social media channels of a particular business, the turn-around or response time determines the richness of the Omnichannel customer experience. A delayed or imprompt response would result in customer frustration, which in turn might lead to undesirable consequences; whereas a prompter, smart response would rather enhance the customer experience. 

3) Consistency of brand image and awareness across platforms:

More often than not, it has been found to be a major challenge to maintain consistency of a particular brand’s content across multiple platforms. This in turn would result in needless confusion or even uncertainness among customers about a brand and its product line. Thus it would be paramount to create and maintain a seamless uniformity in content concerned with the brand, its product line, and the services offered, in order to enrich the Omnichannel customer experience.

4) Integrating the multiple channels through marketing automation tools:

Keeping track of the performance of your various omnichannel marketing platforms is vitally important to periodically monitor as well as boost the success and reach of your business itself. There are various marketing automation tools available today that integrate all the channels as well as measure their performance metrics individually. 

5) Periodic updation of content as well as strategies to meet current trends:

Dynamism is the word that would best define any successful marketing campaign of today. And especially, the electronic world is abuzz with fresh ideas and innovative concepts. Therefore, it would be greatly shortsighted if you don’t care to stay abreast with the latest trends in the industry, ones that could even possibly win millions of new hearts to your side. It would also prove to be greatly beneficial to review and even revise your strategies, every once in a while. Here, ‘Adapt’ is the keyword that paves way for a richer Omnichannel customer experience.


Author:  Vijay Ramalingam

Mobile: +91 9444019793



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